Lawsuit Against Google By The US Department Of Justice

The US Department of Justice has sued Google for allegedly having monopoly control of the digital advertising market. The lawsuit, filed by the Federal Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, is based on the company’s past actions that date back to its 2008 acquisition of DoubleClick. The lawsuit alleges that Google used anticompetitive and illegal methods to eliminate or severely reduce any threat to its dominance over digital advertising technologies.

Lawsuit against Google by the US Department of Justice

The US Federal Court for the Eastern District of Virginia has sued search giant Google over its monopoly dominance in the digital advertising market. The Justice Department filed the lawsuit, alleging that the tech giant illegally monopolized the online advertising market.

The 155-page lawsuit, filed in the Eastern District of Virginia, states that Google’s acquisitions to strengthen its advertising division have effectively forced advertisers and publishers to use their products at the expense of competing advertising firms.

The indictment states that Google uses anti-competitive, exclusionary and illegal methods to eliminate or severely reduce any threat to its dominance over digital advertising technologies. In the lawsuit, attention is drawn to the process that started with Google’s purchase of DoubleClick, which develops advertising tools on the Internet, for $ 3.1 billion in 2008.

This is the second Justice Department monopoly lawsuit against Google, which is a major player in the digital advertising market in the United States and controls most of the technology used in the buying, selling and publishing of online advertisements. The digital advertising market in the USA has a size of 279 billion dollars. Experts point out that the lawsuit is different from the monopoly lawsuit filed in 2020 against Google’s dominance of the online search market and various complaints in the European Union.

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