The new president of Brazil is Lula
In the second round of presidential elections in Brazil this Sunday, Lula was elected as the country’s new president with the first results determined by polling exit polls.
According to information received by the Brazilian Supreme Election Court (TSE), after 98.61 per cent of the polls across the country were opened, Labor candidate Luiz Inacio Lula also won the presidential election, taking 50.82 per cent of the vote. According to the preliminary results, the current president and Liberal Party candidate Jair Messias Bolsonaro lost the election.
According to the results of recent surveys in the country, the public has shown great interest in the election, where both candidates are likely to win. More than 124 million citizens voted in the country, where the number of voters exceeded 156 million.
Both candidates’ aggressive attitude toward each other before the elections has polarized among voters. Tensions have been recorded among the counterparties before the election in the country, which has recently been struggling with increasing inflation and poverty.
As the tense environment echoed into Election Day, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva claimed that the Brazilian Federal Highway Police (PRF) in the northeast regions of the country has stopped buses carrying their own voters and prevented them from reaching election centers. The Brazilian Supreme Election Court (TSE), which governs the elections, said that no citizens were denied the right to vote, while the Federal Highway Police (PRF) said they were implementing the court’s decisions.
Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva, who won the election today, had previously served as President of Brazil for two periods between January 2003 and October 2010.