Data VisualizationEconomyEnergyFinance

22.8% of Americans Keep Homes at Unhealthy or Unsafe Temperatures Due to Financial Strain

A significant portion of Americans, 23.4%, have faced difficulties paying their energy bills in the past year. Additionally, 22.8% have been forced to maintain unhealthy or unsafe temperatures in their homes. 

The financial strain on American households persists, and increasing utility costs are adding to the burden. A recent LendingTree study found that electricity bills rose by 2.6% between August 2023 and August 2024. This upward trend has compelled 34.3% of Americans to make tough decisions, such as cutting back on essential expenses or skipping them altogether, to ensure they can pay their utility bills.


Southern states are disproportionately affected by the rising cost of energy. A significant 44.5% of Mississippi residents have been forced to reduce spending on essential goods and services to afford their energy bills. Alabama (44.3%) and Oklahoma (42.1%) follow closely behind. In total, four of the top five states facing this challenge are in the South.

Mississippi residents are also the most likely to struggle with paying their energy bills in full. 33.4% of Mississippi residents reported being unable to pay part or all of their energy bills in the past year. Connecticut (29.6%) and Alabama (29.4%) also face significant challenges in this area.



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